Saturday, October 10, 2009

Apple Pancakes & Chunky Apple Sauce.

My favorite thing to do with pancake mix is add things to it. Now that fall (maybe even winter) is upon us I have been adding in apple. And in this case - apple and cinnamon chips. But not just any apple or cinnamon chips - homemade apple sauce and amish store mini cinnamon chips. No real recipe for the pancakes - add as much or as little as you'd like!

Chunky Apple Sauce
(adapted from Taste of Home)

8 cups apple (peeled and cut into apple-pie like slices)
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

In a roaster over, combine all ingredients. Cover and cook on medium heat - stirring occasionally for 35 minutes (or until apples are tender). Remove from heat, mash the apples using a potato masher until desired consistency. (We like ours on the chunky side.) Separate into containers and freeze for long-term storage.

Ok, so we make a HUGE roaster full of this. If you make the recipe above you may not have to freeze much, if any.

Suggestions for eating:
Plain - warm or cold
On ice cream - warmed up and with caramel
In pancakes
And any other way you can think of!!


Nicole said...

Thanks for the applesauce recipe! I was wondering what to do with the huge bag of apples sitting in my car right now. I think I just found a winner. Something I can freeze without having to do any jarring. My kitchen just isn't equipped for something so labor intensive :)

Holly. said...

Freeze it - in any freezer container!!